Sunday 24 March 2013

Handmade card designs.

I wanted to share a few details and pics of some pretty Handmade cards I designed for a lovely friends shop in the Lake District. The designs were very girly, feminine and delicate in look. Inspired by a fashion illustrative feel and a touch of swarovski sparkle.

My inspiration was all things I, ballet, cakes, chocolates, beautiful birds and butterflies to name a few! I love using watercolours and ink for the delicate feel of the paint. I also like to keep a simple, clean look to my designs although this is not always easy and it is easy to want to add a little more to a design. This is when I try to remember ..."Less is More"

Well I hope this gives a first glimpse into my designs on a snowy cold weeekend in London! Have a good week ahead. x 

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